
Founded in 2020, Secret Heart Academy is a school for children 5 months to 5 years.

Key to our success

At Secret Heart Academy, we believe that children learn through play, exploration, discovery, and interactions with other children. It is our commitment to work together with you to help your child grow socially, emotionally, intellectually, and physically in an environment that is suited to every child’s development.

Through the child’s ability to explore and discover, he/she will learn to build self-confidence, self-control by reflecting on how his/her actions affect others, problem solve, make choices, express himself/herself openly, and cooperate. It is our goal to maintain a safe, healthy, and caring atmosphere in which children can grow in all of these developmental areas. We do not concentrate on competition; we focus on teamwork, cooperation, and sharing

Secret heart provides enriching play experiences and activities from which the children can learn and grow. We base our approach using elements of the Montessori program, the developing through play concept of the early childhood educator as well as the open creativity and individuality offered in the Reggio Emilia approach. We foster each child’s individual needs and learning space as we encourage a child try new things and explore their abilities.

A school is not built brick by brick, but person by person.

Inspire, nurture and learn. Inspire, nurture and learn. Inspire, nurture and learn. Inspire, nurture and learn. Inspire, nurture and learn.

Inspire, nurture and learn. Inspire, nurture and learn. Inspire, nurture and learn. Inspire, nurture and learn. Inspire, nurture and learn.