Multi-age Daycare

Learn More About Program

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Multiage is an innovative and unique learning environment.

This age group begins at 5 months to 5 years old. Multiage is an innovative and unique learning environment where a mixed-age group of children can stay with the same teacher for several years. Through this program, children experience great opportunities for broad social development and deep friendships and an opportunity to participate together in the same program and children can interact with other children of all ages.

Through our Multiage child education program, we want to provide children with a developmentally appropriate, individualized, and continuous learning experience.

Multi-age groupings benefit both older and younger children by supporting pro-social behaviors and cognitive development. This program offers more opportunities for older children to display sympathy and nurturance toward younger children and for younger children to learn from their older peers.

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5 Months to 5 years

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Monday - Friday
7:00 am - 6:00 pm

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Inspire, nurture and learn. Inspire, nurture and learn. Inspire, nurture and learn. Inspire, nurture and learn. Inspire, nurture and learn.

Inspire, nurture and learn. Inspire, nurture and learn. Inspire, nurture and learn. Inspire, nurture and learn. Inspire, nurture and learn.